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Black Stories Directory

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1. Wrong Place

A diver lies dead in the forest. What happened?

The solution The diver was picked up by a firefighting plane during a diving trip during a forest fire and then released along with the water over the forest.

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2. New Shoes

A woman buys new shoes in the morning and dies in the evening.

The solution The woman is an assistant to a knife thrower. The new shoes have a higher heel than the old ones. There is a show in the evening and since the assistant's head is now higher, one of the knives hits her in the head.

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3. Card Game of Death

In a room, three dead men are sitting around a table. On the table are playing cards and a gun. What happened here?

The solution In a room, three dead men are sitting around a table. Playing cards and a gun are on the table. What happened here? Two of the men were shot (suicide), one suffocated. The room is in a submarine that is lying immobile at the bottom of the sea. There is only enough air left for a few minutes. The three men only had one weapon and two rounds of ammunition. They played to see who could shoot themselves (the winners) and who would have to suffocate painfully (the losers). That's why two of the dead men were shot and one suffocated.

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4. Bad Seller

A Salesman tries so hard to sell his product that it ends in his death.

The solution A salesman sold bulletproof vests. One day he put one on and insisted that the customer shoot him to prove its quality. The customer agreed, but unfortunately - he missed the vest and hit the salesman in the head.

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5. Broken Match

A naked man lies in the sand in front of a rock face in the desert with a broken match in his hand. What happened?

The solution The dead man is one of three friends who were travelling in a hot air balloon. The balloon flies towards a cliff face, but unfortunately is not high enough. They throw off all the ballast, even their clothes, but it is no use, they are still too low. One of them has to sacrifice himself for the others and jump off. They draw lots with matches; the one who draws the shortest jumps.

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6. Murderous Vacation

A man reads in the daily newspaper about a fatal accident abroad. When he reads the name of the dead man, he calls the police and reports a murder.

The solution The man works in a travel agency. A few days ago he sold the dead man's wife a trip for two people. However, the woman only booked the one-way trip for her husband - but the round trip for herself. The man reading the newspaper suspects that the woman planned to murder her husband on vacation.

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7. Bloody Ceiling

A man lies dead next to his bed. There is blood on the ceiling.

What happened?

The solution The man killed a mosquito that had bitten him and then fell and broke his neck.

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8. Final Destination

A man is travelling on a train and is talking to an elderly lady. When she takes off her left glove, the man kills her. He is arrested at the next station. He is released shortly afterwards.

The solution The man was arrested 20 years ago for the murder of his wife, which he did not commit. The crucial evidence was a finger of his wife, which was found on his property. The two were a gangster couple who had stolen a lot of cash together. When the woman takes off her glove, the man recognizes his cheating wife, who put him in prison to get their money. He then kills her. Since he has already served his sentence for this crime, he is released shortly after his arrest.

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9. Life-saving flight

Helene never thought that her decision to fly by plane would save her life.

The solution A few days earlier, Helene had undergone surgery. Before she could board the plane, she had to go through the metal detector, which went off even though she had removed everything metal she had on her. After an X-ray, it was discovered that the doctors had left a scalpel in her body. If Helene had not noticed it in time, she would certainly have died.

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10. Two victims

Alex and Samuel are lying dead on the floor. There are broken glass all around them and the floor is wet. What happened?

The solution Heinz and Karl are goldfish. A strong draft of air caused the window to burst open, which in turn caused the goldfish bowl to fall to the floor, causing the fish to suffocate.

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11. The Moon

If it hadn't been for the moon, she would have known who the murderer was.

The solution A woman was lying on the beach reading a crime novel. She fell asleep and while she was sleeping the tide came and washed away her book. So she never found out who the murderer in the story was.

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12. Past the window

A man passes by a window. Shortly afterwards he is dead.

The solution The man jumped from a high-rise building and passed a window during the fall.

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13. The Berliner

A Berliner fell from a high-rise building and was run over by a truck on the ground. Despite this, no one was injured.

The solution The Berliner was a sweet.

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14. The Light

A lonely man turns off the light before going to sleep in the evening, and then a great misfortune occurs. What happened?

The solution The man was a lighthouse keeper.

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15. Deadly Radio

A man drives down the street at night and turns on the radio.

Shortly afterwards the man is dead.

The solution The man works alone in a radio station. He had put a tape of his voice in to have an alibi if he committed a murder during his working hours. On the way home he switches on his station. Unfortunately the tape was too short and all he can hear is silence. His absence from the station is therefore obvious and he no longer has an alibi. He then kills himself.

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16. Sleepless Night

Because a woman couldn't sleep, someone had to die.

The solution Because a woman was disturbed by a mosquito and could not sleep as a result, the mosquito had to die.

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17. Good Timing

A man visits an evening ball. Unfortunately, he couldn't celebrate, eat and drink for long because he has to go back to work early. The next morning he hears on the news that all the guests at the ball have died.

What happened? And why is the man still alive?

The solution At the evening ball there was a bowl from which all the guests drank. Including the man. The murderer had put poison inside the ice cubes. As the man had to leave the party early, the ice cubes had not yet melted to the point of poison, so it was possible to drink from the bowl without any problems.

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18. Cheap Sports Car

A man sold his wife's new sports car for only $350.

The solution The wife had taken her own life in the car a year ago by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Over time, the body decomposed in the car until it was finally found. The smell of the corpse remained so strong in the car that the man could only give the car away.

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19. The Bag

A woman lies dead in a field. A bag lies next to her. What has happened?

The solution The wife had taken her own life in the car a year ago by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Over time, the body decomposed in the car until it was finally found. The smell of the corpse remained so strong in the car that the man could only give the car away.

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20. Thanks

A man sold his wife's new sports car for only $350.

The solution The wife had taken her own life in the car a year ago by taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Over time, the body decomposed in the car until it was finally found. The smell of the corpse remained so strong in the car that the man could only give the car away.

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