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Black Stories Directory

Here you will find a list of all existing Black Stories that you can jump to.

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1. Last Meal

A woman gave a man a fruit.
Some time later, they both died.

The solution The two are Adam and Eve. When Adam ate the apple, they both lost their immortality. As a result, they both died after some time.

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2. Fatal Light

Rachel knew she was too late when the light flickered.

The solution Rachel was a lawyer defending a man sentenced to death. She was able to prove that he was innocent, but she was too late. When she was at the entrance to the prison, the lights flickered. She knew that he was about to be electrocuted.

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3. The Regretful Suicide

Mark was very lonely and jumped from a high-rise building.
During the fall, however, he regretted jumping.

The solution After a nuclear war, Mark thought he was the only survivor in the city. He was alone for over a year, so he decided to take his own life. Just before he reached the ground, he heard a phone ringing from the tower block. So there was someone left after all, but it was too late for Mark

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4. The Last Ride

Anna took an Uber. When the Uber opened the door for her at the airport, Anna was dead.

The solution The Uber had previously picked up an animal rights activist who was carrying poisonous snakes. When he got out, he forgot one of them. When Anna noticed the snake, she panicked and was bitten by the snake.

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5. The Driver

A man died when he got out of his vehicle.

The solution The man was a farmer and was driving his harvester across the wheat field. His pregnant wife was lying in the field taking a nap. Due to the sun and the loud harvester, the farmer did not hear his wife. He only noticed her when the machine stopped and when he realized what had happened, he couldn't live with the guilt and killed himself.

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